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Director Compensation

  • 12 Oct 2011 10:10 AM
    Reply # 721208 on 386324
    1. We have not had two-day board meetings in last while, but would expect to pay for each day. 
    2. We pay for each meeting separately. 
    3. No. 

    Large company publicly traded 
  • 12 Oct 2011 10:11 AM
    Reply # 721216 on 386324
    1. If meeting is adjourned at end of day 1 and reconvened at start of day 2 that would be one meeting and probably one fee.  May require discussion with CEO and/or Board Chairman to determine how directors should be paid.  
    2. Yes, directors are compensated for the Board meeting and all Committee meetings held on the same day.  
    3. No, but would be reimbursed for travel expenses. 

    Medium wholly owned subsidiary of UK parent 

  • 12 Oct 2011 10:12 AM
    Reply # 721217 on 386324
    1. We pay one meeting fee per day.   
    2. Yes, but typically we do not schedule on the same day.   
    3. No compensation to observer directors at committee meetings.

    Medium not-for-profit society 
  • 12 Oct 2011 10:14 AM
    Reply # 721219 on 386324
    1. We have a director’s compensation program, which is approved by the Board, where we detail the compensation received per type of meeting. Comp for 2-day meetings should be addressed in that document, but I would think failing this, directors should get paid twice as much for a 2-day meeting as a 1-day. 
    2. Yes, they get paid separately for each meeting (Committee and Board) that they attend. For telephonic attendance, the fee is 1/3 of the in-person attendance fee. Where we hold a joint committee-board meeting (when have limited time and want recommendation of committee before Board decides resolutions), only 1 fee is paid. 
    3. No, unless they attend at our request, only those directors that are committee members are compensated (although we may pay for incidental expenses).

    Small Private company
  • 12 Oct 2011 10:15 AM
    Reply # 721220 on 386324
    Directors are compensated on a per diem basis ie a daily fee regardless of the number of meetings or their length on the condition that they be present. Therefore for a two meeting session, 2 per diems. 

    When Board and Board committees are on the same day, see above- one fee- regardless of number of meetings 

    Directors who attend committee meetings as observers are not  compensated 

    Other bits which may be of interest. Directors who are appointed committee Chairs receive extra remuneration.  

    All Directors receive an annual stipend. This is an amount they receive whether or not they attend meetings

    Federal crown corporation 
  • 12 Oct 2011 10:17 AM
    Reply # 721221 on 386324
    1. Directors are compensated for each meeting that they attend.  We usually have Committee meetings on the first day and morning of second with Board meeting held the remainder  of 2nd day. 
    2. Yes, Directors are compensated for both Board meeting and any committees they sit on.  Compensation will also vary if they attend in person vs. via conf call. 
    3. No, non-member directors are not compensated for observing,  only if their attendance has been requested specifically, otherwise they are a guest. 

    Large Insurance (not for profit) 
  • 12 Oct 2011 10:18 AM
    Reply # 721222 on 386324
    1. Our fee schedules specifically provides for these situations. It provides for payment of a daily rate so a two day meeting would attract two daily fees. 
    2. The fee schedule also provides for a daily limit so where there is more than one meeting in a day, the daily limit would apply. The daily limit is equal to one and a half times the regular daily fee. 
    3. We do not pay directors who voluntarily attend meetings. To be paid thy must be a member of the committee or be asked to attend to participate in all or a portion of the meeting

    Medium not-for-profit regulator 
  • 12 Oct 2011 10:19 AM
    Reply # 721223 on 386324
    1. When there is a two-day board meeting (such as a strategic planning session) our directors are compensated for one meeting, covering both days. 
    2. When Board and Committee meetings are on the same day, our directors are compensated for each committee meeting they attend as a member as well as for the board meeting. 
    3. When non-member directors voluntarily attend committee meetings as observers, they are NOT compensated for their attendance.

    Large Publicly traded 
  • 12 Oct 2011 10:21 AM
    Reply # 721224 on 386324
    1. if the meeting is adjourned and reconvened on the following  day, the directors are paid for one meeting. If the meeting is  terminated and another meeting called, the directors are paid  for two meetings. 
    2. We pay the director for each meeting attended even though the  board and committee meeting may be on the same day.  
    3. A director who sits in on a meeting of a committee that they are  not a member of is not paid for attending that meeting. 

    Large, issuer based Publicly  Traded
  • 12 Oct 2011 10:22 AM
    Reply # 721225 on 386324
    The Directors of our company are not paid meeting fees.  They are paid an annual “flat fee” which includes some stock-based compensation (either shares or DSUs), some cash (the % they receive in cash depends on whether they have already met their shareholding requirements) and travel fees.  But no meeting fees

    Large Publicly traded company 

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