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Director Compensation

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  • 19 Jul 2010 2:30 PM
    Message # 386324
    Deleted user

    1) I'm wondering how others handle compensation for two-day board meetings.  Are directors compensated for one meeting fee covering both days or are they compensated for each day.

    2)  When Board and Committee meetings are on the same day, are directors compensated for both the Board meeting and also the committee meeting?

    3)  When non-member directors voluntarily attend committee meetings as observers, are they compensated for their attendance?

    Thank you


  • 12 Oct 2011 9:53 AM
    Reply # 721194 on 386324
    1. Directors are compensated for each day of a two-day meeting.  
    2. We have a meeting fee and a daily maximum meeting fee, so if directors attend multiple meetings in a day they can be compensated for each meeting up to the daily maximum.  
    3. If the non-member director has been invited to attend the committee meeting, then we would compensate them for their attendance. 
    Medium Not-forProfit 
  • 12 Oct 2011 9:55 AM
    Reply # 721196 on 386324
    1. If a meeting is scheduled to take place over 2 days, our directors are compensated for meeting on both days (ie, 2 days compensation). Ours is a ‘meeting fee’ not a ‘per diem’.   
    2. Directors are compensated for each meeting they attend.  If a director is a member of 2 committees meeting  on the same day, they are compensated for each meeting.  
    3. Directors may attend meetings of any committees, regardless of whether they are a committee member.  However, if they attend to observe, they are not compensated for a meeting fee.  If they are requested to attend as a guest to address an issue, they are compensated with a meeting fee.  
    Large Credit Union  
  • 12 Oct 2011 9:57 AM
    Reply # 721197 on 386324
    1. Members are compensated with a per diem for each full or partial day of meeting, as well as one per diem for a day of travel if travel is not on same day of meeting.  For example, for a two-day meeting, a director would receive 4 per diems: 1 for travel to the meeting site if location is  other than place of residence, of course, 2 for the meeting, 1 for travel home.  
    2. Members receive only one per diem per day, regardless of how many meetings they attend on the same day.  
    3. Voluntary non-Committee members may attend meetings as observers but they will not receive a per diem.  

    Summary:  one per diem is the maximum that a member can receive for a day.  Regardless of length of meetings, “full” per diems are given (not half, or quarter), the exception being meetings held by teleconferences.  In this case, members would receive a full per diem after they participate in 4 teleconferences.  

    Medium Crown corporation 
  • 12 Oct 2011 10:02 AM
    Reply # 721201 on 386324
    There are no hard and fast rules around this.  It is up to the board to develop a set of guidelines that it feels are fair, that reflect the values of the company, and that encourage efficiency, productivity, and conscientious governing by the board. These agreed-upon guidelines can reflect best practices in other companies and they must align with a reasonable board budget. Ideas for guidelines might be as follows: 

    1. Length of board meetings – How much time does the board need to conduct its board work?  The board may agree that board meetings will take only one day, and they will design their agenda and direct their chair to meet that goal.  If the meeting takes longer, the board will agree that there is a valid need to stay longer and there will be compensation for an additional day or half day at a set  amount.

      If there is sufficient board business that meetings are of two days duration all or most of the time, then the meeting fee should be appropriately adjusted.  

    2. Board meetings  and committee meetings – these are two separate functions and should be compensated as such, whether the meetings are on the same day, or at separate times. This assumes that the work of the committe complements and supports board work and is not a duplication of efforts. 

      If these meetings are held on the same day, is there sufficient time to prepare a committee report for the board and for the board to properly digest committee findings or recommendations? 

    3. Voluntary attendance at board meetings – committees generally comprise a small number of people with an interest in and/or experience in the work of the committee.  They are set up as such so that they can be efficient and productive.  If visitors are allowed or encouraged there needs to be an understanding of their role and the value they add. 

      Non-committee member directors may be invited to attend a particular meeting of a committee because of a special expertise they have, in which case they should be compensated.  Or directors may be permitted, or even encouraged to attend a committee meeting on a voluntary basis as a means to learn more about that area (audit for example), and they could be compensated for one such meeting per three year director term.  Any other voluntary attendance is unpaid, unless the board agrees that there is a valid reason for attendance.  The directors can remain informed of the work of the committee through meeting agendas and minutes of committee meetings. 

    Questions to ask generally of the board as it develops the foregoing policies: 

    • Is the board doing board work or management work? 
    • Is the board productive during its board and committee meetings? 
    • Is the agenda set up to ensure efficient meetings? 
    • Is the chair managing board performance? 
    • Does the board regularly evaluate its performance as a board and committees?

    Small Governance consultancy 
  • 12 Oct 2011 10:05 AM
    Reply # 721202 on 386324
    1. Our Directors are compensated for each day based on for the length of meeting: 0-4 hours, 4-8 hours and over 8 hours; for a two-day meeting, the length of each day would be considered e.g. Day 1 - 8:00 – 5:00 = 9 hours – would be paid a > 8 hr rate; Day 2 - 8:30 – 3:00 = 7.5 hrs – would be paid at 4-8 hr rate. 

    2. When Board and Committee meetings are on the same day; the time is calculated based on the length of the day; for Committee meetings, Committee Chairs are compensated at the Chair rate for the meeting; this time is prorated based on the total length of the meeting 
    3. The situation of non-member directors as observers does not arise.  However, we do have incoming Board Directors as observers at meetings prior to their term commencing; they are not compensated for meeting time but do get their expenses covered. 

    Small Crown corporation 
  • 12 Oct 2011 10:06 AM
    Reply # 721203 on 386324
    1. Generally, pay fees for 2 days.   
    2. Yes, compensated for both committee & board meetings.  
    3. No fees for voluntary attendance. 

    Large publicly traded issuer 
  • 12 Oct 2011 10:07 AM
    Reply # 721205 on 386324
    1. We pay 2 meeting fees 
    2. Yes, we pay per meeting whether board or committee on same day 
    3. Generally no, but would consider if there was a particular reason requiring non-member attendance

    Large public traded  
  • 12 Oct 2011 10:08 AM
    Reply # 721206 on 386324
    1. We have a "door to door" per diem for Board meetings which covers travel and meeting.   
    2. Directors are compensated for the Board meeting per diem, which is larger than the committee meeting per diem.  
    3. Not applicable because of (2), above and because our committee meetings are typically held concurrent with Board meetings, so any non-member of a Committee will already be receiving the Board meeting per diem. For any Committee meeting that is held off quarter, we would not compensate non-members for their attendance, unless their attendance was specifically requested by the Committee or Board Chair.  

    Medium private company 
  • 12 Oct 2011 10:09 AM
    Reply # 721207 on 386324
    1. They are compensated for one meeting. 
    2. Yes, Board members are compensated for each Board and committee meeting they attend even if they are on the same day.  
    3. We do not pay directors who are not members for attending to observe meetings.

    Large Crown Corporation 
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