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Annual Board Evaluations

  • 03 Jul 2012 1:08 PM
    Message # 993946
    Deleted user

    We're a mid-size crown corporation reviewing our annual board evaluation.  Our current evaluation does meet all the best practice guidelines, however, it is time for a refresh.  Our Board has evloved over the years so we need to reflect this in our evaluation.  I'm wondering if you would be willing to share your evaluation template for comparison purposes on how I can enhance the value of our evaluation.

  • 04 Jul 2012 9:46 AM
    Reply # 995363 on 993946
    Deleted user
    I'm happy to share our Board and Committee evaluation questionnaire.  I would be happy to attach it here, but I don't think that the forum software allows it.

    Send me an email and I'll send along the questionnaire.

    My thoughts on refreshing the questionnaire are that year-over-year consistency is extremely important because it allows the use of mathematical analysis of the scores that can be more revealing than reading the actual results.  Most directors have a bias to scoring relatively high.  We collect scores on a 1-10 range.  Most scores are in the 7-9 range.  At first blush everything looks fine.  It's only when you average the results for the group with at least two decimal points and compare the same question over time that you can begin to discern the real issues that may be present.

    It's therefore important when you refresh the questionnaire to maximize the comparability over time.  You can accomplish this, for instance, by keeping the same numbering so that question 2 is always the same question, adding new questions to the end of the questionnaire, or if it makes sense to keep questions relating to the same topic together, inserting a new question on the same topic as question 2 as 2.1.

    Hope this helps.

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